Friday, September 26, 2008
Inna lillahi wa'inna ilaihi rojiun……
HANYA Rp. 30,000 = RM 11.00
Inna lillahi wa'inna ilaihi rojiun……
Kompas, Selasa, 16 September 2008 | 01:55 WIB
Mereka Meninggal Demi Rp30 Ribu!
Demi uang sebesar Rp30.000, ribuan orang di Jl Wahidin Pasuruan rela
berdesak-desakkan dan mengakibatkan 21 orang tewas.
Peristiwa tragis itu terjadi saat pembagian zakat yang dimulai pada pukul
10.00 WIB. Ribuan warga miskin yang datang dari berbagai pelosok desa di
sekitar Kota dan Kabupaten Pasuruan itu berebut saling berdesakan guna
mendapatkan zakat dengan nilai nominal Rp30.000 per orang yang
dilangsungkan oleh keluarga dermawan H Syaichon di Jalan Dr Wahidin
Sudirohusodo, Kota Pasuruan.
Keluarga Syaichon yang mengatur para penerima zakat masuk satu per satu ke
dalam halaman rumahnya, akhirnya membuat ribuan orang yang terkon sen
trasi di sebuah gang tak bisa bergerak, bahkan orang yang pingsan pun
tidak bisa keluar. Puncaknya adalah: 21 orang tewas!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Last month je, aircond job dah buat. Abis dlm 500. Then tayar gegar giler... Pi Klang, tokey tu kata camber belakang, dia suruh tukar pakai adjustables...pergh harga almost 800! Giler ape... So, tak yah buat, balik alor setar, jumpa ucop. Dia suruh pi kedai member dia depan petronas jln langgar. Cek punya cek, alignment n balancing je. Also, dia ada inform that tayar belakang tu dah bengkak... Hmmm I think I know why and where I bought the tyres. ;)
Then, after a few weeks, we all noticed that the brake ada problem, pad brek depan abis. So, kena tukar. Also, there's a leak kat brek nyer master pump. Dunno how it got there but now nak kena repair. Kat Alor setar payah betui cari parts CRV. Pump repair kit pun takde. So pi la beli kat penang. Itu pun silap beli. Nasib baik ucop tolong. Since takde brg, ucop pun improvise la.
Tapi tak tahan lama. Brek kanan depan jem terus. Hangit giler. So, kena la cari master pump set baru. And it cost me 350 for that thing.
Ari nih, radiator fan punya motor plak rosak. Adoi! Apa la nak jadi! Pastu, bro yg servise keta tu kata plak, macam banyak leakage keta aku nih...waaaa! But dia suruh aku cuci enjin dulu n check later. Kalau nasib baik, takde sangat leak. Kalau tidak, kena buat gasket baru lagi...waaaa...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
I guess this is the first time I've ever blog about my hockey games. The reason for this first posting is perhaps due to the fact that my team didn't learn from our mistakes and not willing to take 'Learning' seriously. In other words, my team didn't 'sharpen the saw' (Covey, 2008). Maybe this would be my next agenda. Or this maybe a good reason for me to stop managing the team.
I'm not Terry Walsh, Volker Knapp or Paul Lissek. They are gurus, master coaches while I'm just nobody compared to them. But we have something in common, perhaps. All of us faced with the challenge of getting the players to learn and make good use of their learning in any hockey match.
I remember when I proposed to that my team commit to attend training once a week, however many protested. Saying that they can't get approval from their bosses to leave the office early. As a result we were not prepared, n lacking in many areas when the league started.
Seems like Deja Vu to me now, just different time n character. I don't know what would it takes for them to realise it. If one refuse to sharpen the saw, then it will take longer to finish sawing the tree down.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Oh ya, my ride now is a 2nd hand 2003 Honda CRV which I bought from my sister early this year. She got herself a BMW 325i sports ;) the CRV has been with the family since 2003, a hard working machine, with a mileage of about 240,000km already! Last year the aircond system had a huge problem, the compressor busted due to a mistake by my sister's aircond servicemen.
the problem was the resistor but they didn't depressurize and reset the whole system back, the pressure build up in the whole system jammed the compressor and it just blew up.
after the replacement job, the cooling wasn't really there and my back passenger especially my son has been complaining ever since. After talking to some of y ex-sdarians, one of them proposed me to go to Ampang's Wah Tak Aircond service.
the place in ampang is a sold out. Cars queued to take turn and i had to go to another branch at taman putra ampang.
I'm now at the back seat watching them doing the job. I can tell u this, if u've own ur car for more than 2 years and never had the aircond system cleaned up n serviced, u may get sinus and other allergies due to the dust build up in the hoses n the pipes or u'll get a big hole in the pocket what the whole systems fails all together.
oh ya, it took me half a day just to get it done... :(
Whoa, after a long hiatus, I finally got the urge towrite some of my thought again. Using my Nokia E61 and via the maxis mms to email, this post should be going straight on to the blog :)
many stories I'll be sharing of which will cover my career post Melbourne, new leadership in my dept, my current work on LEARNING SYSTEMS, e-learning, KM & KM systems, my mom's business and my family.
the bit on KM n Learning should go to my KM blog...hmmm can't recall the url. Will put it in here.
the family business blog is
hope I can keep the flame burning.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Whoa... Monday just jetted... now comes Tuesday...
First business, morning roll call.
As usual, it's passing the buck time for some managers...what da f...!
Well, it's working time... It begins with an email to inform boss and boss-boss that we're having this Con-call on Wednesday. Too bad the con-call is cancelled as we've managed to get the LMS SME over the phone from Singapore. Huyaaa!
Worked on the Project Governance and I can tell ya it's such a long brain turned jelly immediately upon thinking about it. Luckily I managed to get a copy of the Project Management Guide from K-Hub :) Print it and gave it to Masyitah first as she too has to prepare a scope document for her ILMU enhancements project.
Today also I emailed Kevin on his IAIS thingy as follow:
Dear Kevin,Also, emailed Hamid of HP as he's been asking me to get his quote for the LMS enhancements signed but I nicely reverted saying that it will be a breach of conduct if the quote is signed before approval for the project is given by BNM's management. What to do?...
With reference to the IAIS Insurance Core Curriculum Web-based Training and as per our conversation, we have agreed to keep this in view. This is due to the current effort by IAIS whom is currently developing the Insurance Core Curriculum Web materials into e-learning suites/courseware. Nonetheless, I'm of the view that the contents in this website are useful for our Insurance Supervisors to leverage on. As per your comment, they (the materials) are excellent references for new staff and for building a basic understanding on Insurance and Insurance Supervisory.
In the event that IAIS has completed their project, my team and I are ever willing and ready to assist you in evaluating the e-learning courseware.
Kind regards.
On this day also I requested from JIT an email address for the KMC Info Updates team. Burn and Fauzi will be using the email id. Well, I might use it as well to send some info updates on KM etc.
Seems a lot but on this day, I spent most of my time searching a room for a meeting on Thursday. Well, the meeting was later postponed as Ghaz is attending another meeting.
Oh what a day!
~Re-flectionz of my mind~
It's a manic Monday.
Started off late as the cab that was taking me to HCDC mixed up the address with Plaza Pantai Junction. Not sure whether the place rhymes with Jalan Universiti or not :)
I still owe the dept my leave. I've yet to fill into the system for the last Friday.
Around 10 am a 1 on 1 meeting with Arlina. I've been assigned with many things man... really lots of it. LMS, own development plan, training plan and many more. Plus I've to meet Ghaz and her every 2 weeks. Gulp!
Well, one thing really right from her is that I need to make things faster. Really fast.
After the meeting, I went back to HQ, around 11.30 am, arrived just before noon.
In the afternoon, it's all work.
First Connie briefed me about LMS and latest issues. Them around 3:30 pm, Adrene from HP came over and together with Su of JIT and Connie. We discussed about the enhancement requirements.
Earlier, I went up to Dato' Daud's PA and hand her the LMS enhancements memo, He's on leave and will only be in the next day. Also, I went over to meet Lim Foo Thai, SK Pmo's director and explain to him about the Procurement policy for special purchase. Ok :)
Well, the meeting took around 2 hours and after the meeting, I worked on the LMS.
At the end I rest for the day around 7:30 pm.
~Re-flectionz of my mind~
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yes, thw choice of words does paint a picture for the Kelana Jaya Line LRT or used to be Putra LRT. As I arrive at the Terminal Putra station around 7:45 am, a faint voice through the speaker announcing that their service is experiencing an overhwelming congestion. Oh no, I knew immediately that I'll be late today. Arghhhh! The putra lrt used to be a proud achievement and will always be as it is one of the longest driver-less train in the world. But now, it is one overloaded and overcrowded public transport, especially during peak hours. Perhaps, the new Transport Minister and the cabinet can look into this 'petty' matter.
mind reflection
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Oh ya... I left place end August 2007... well officially it was 1 day before the National Day. Yup, Independence Day for me and the whole Zinni crew. Especially for my mom. She's the sponsor for the project. I was really sad because the bazaar failed to lift up to it's expectation. It wasn't a crowd puller hence businesses suffered in the bazaar. Wanna glimpse of the place click here.
The pics show some fault in the safety equipment which is supposed to be in working order before anyone could occupy the building. I smell problem.
Hence, that's why the place is history to me...
~Re-flectionz of my mind~
Oh no 2007 is over :( It has been a tough year. Especially for me... Couldn't blog as much as I wanted. Got overly occupied no thanks to my workplace "environment". Overly political I guess... I dunno why I felt that way but I guess it depends on how one sees it :\
~Re-flectionz of my mind~