Friday, September 26, 2008

Inna lillahi wa'inna ilaihi rojiun……

HANYA Rp. 30,000 = RM 11.00


Inna lillahi wa'inna ilaihi rojiun……

Kompas, Selasa, 16 September 2008 | 01:55 WIB

Mereka Meninggal Demi Rp30 Ribu!

Demi uang sebesar Rp30.000, ribuan orang di Jl Wahidin Pasuruan rela

berdesak-desakkan dan mengakibatkan 21 orang tewas.

Peristiwa tragis itu terjadi saat pembagian zakat yang dimulai pada pukul

10.00 WIB. Ribuan warga miskin yang datang dari berbagai pelosok desa di

sekitar Kota dan Kabupaten Pasuruan itu berebut saling berdesakan guna

mendapatkan zakat dengan nilai nominal Rp30.000 per orang yang

dilangsungkan oleh keluarga dermawan H Syaichon di Jalan Dr Wahidin

Sudirohusodo, Kota Pasuruan.

Keluarga Syaichon yang mengatur para penerima zakat masuk satu per satu ke

dalam halaman rumahnya, akhirnya membuat ribuan orang yang terkon sen

trasi di sebuah gang tak bisa bergerak, bahkan orang yang pingsan pun

tidak bisa keluar. Puncaknya adalah: 21 orang tewas!

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm tired la..

Seriously... I'm currently working on a UAT of the ONYX CRM, 1 week straight! On top of that, my LMS enhancement project is still pending due to some vendor's is calculating their project maintenance cost! To add further to my woes, the Library Information System's project agreement is still pending after more than 6 months! Why? The predecessor didn't do the job before handing it over to me... :( Haiyooo!

It's Ramadhan month and I'm suppose to enjoy this month but I don't think so for this year. Sometimes, I feel that we are not concern and bother about the month of Ramadhan. As if it is just another motnh with deadlines, meetings, etc.

Heard in the radio where a DJ talked about taking life easy and smell the roses. Well, that is going to be hard to do now, simply because I'm very tired laaa...

Fluffy...the cat

~Re-flectionz of my mind~
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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last month je, aircond job dah buat. Abis dlm 500. Then tayar gegar giler... Pi Klang, tokey tu kata camber belakang, dia suruh tukar pakai adjustables...pergh harga almost 800! Giler ape... So, tak yah buat, balik alor setar, jumpa ucop. Dia suruh pi kedai member dia depan petronas jln langgar. Cek punya cek, alignment n balancing je. Also, dia ada inform that tayar belakang tu dah bengkak... Hmmm I think I know why and where I bought the tyres. ;)

Then, after a few weeks, we all noticed that the brake ada problem, pad brek depan abis. So, kena tukar. Also, there's a leak kat brek nyer master pump. Dunno how it got there but now nak kena repair. Kat Alor setar payah betui cari parts CRV. Pump repair kit pun takde. So pi la beli kat penang. Itu pun silap beli. Nasib baik ucop tolong. Since takde brg, ucop pun improvise la.

Tapi tak tahan lama. Brek kanan depan jem terus. Hangit giler. So, kena la cari master pump set baru. And it cost me 350 for that thing.

Ari nih, radiator fan punya motor plak rosak. Adoi! Apa la nak jadi! Pastu, bro yg servise keta tu kata plak, macam banyak leakage keta aku nih...waaaa! But dia suruh aku cuci enjin dulu n check later. Kalau nasib baik, takde sangat leak. Kalau tidak, kena buat gasket baru lagi...waaaa...

Monday, September 15, 2008

A friend sent this to me.. Dunno whether how true. Very nice!